Strength: 1000mg
Kit: Needles included
Strength: 1000mg
Size: 1000mg Glutathione Injectable (Our Telemedicine fast and easy Prescription Required for first order, not for refills)
Glutathione is produced naturally in the liver. It is made up of three amino acids, and it is vital for cellular metabolism. It protects against oxidative stress caused by free radicals, is required for the immune system to function properly, and is a potent detoxifier.
The importance of glutathione has been validated by over 92,000 scientific articles, more than twice the amount that has ever been published about vitamin C. In fact, nutrition experts believe that it is just as necessary for our health as oxygen, food and water.
Glutathione is the body’s most powerful and important antioxidants, present in each and every cell in the body. It plays a pivotal role in detoxifying our cells, removing heavy metals, toxins and free radicals. All of which can damage our cells and significantly damage the quality of our cells, including skin cells.
1. Increase the energy
2. Slows down ageing process
3. Reduces muscle and joint discomfort
4. Strengthens immune system
5. Detoxifies the liver and cells
6. Improves mental focus and clarity
7. Improves quality of sleep
8. Reduces the effects of stress
9. Improves the skin
10. Athletic performance and recovery
Antioxidant – GSH is the body’s master Antioxidant, our bodies depend on GSH for the removal of toxins and GSH is at the heart of all immune functions. Other antioxidants in our body depend on GSH to function properly.
Glutathione (GSH) is the most prominent endogenous antioxidant compound in the body. Due to the fact that it is created inside the body, it is not an essential nutrient. However, levels vary within tissues inside the body depending on the individual, and the various stresses and demands an individual is going through at a particular time. Because of glutathione’s key role, it exists in nearly every tissue in humans, as well as nearly all mammals.[1]
Glutathione Structure and Function
The key role of glutathione in cells is primarily to act as a reducing agent to remove reactive oxygen species, such as those produced as a byproduct of cellular metabolism, as well as other free radicals. Glutathione also acts in the removal of toxins and drug compounds, which occurs primarily in the liver.
Glutathione acts namely through a mechanism that allows it to be recycled for future use. Its chemical makeup is as a sulfur containing tripeptide of glutamate, cysteine and glycine, with the sulfide group of cysteine being the primary-reactive portion. Upon accepting the negative charge from its target, glutathione binds (as glutathione disulfide, or GSSG) to another spent glutathione molecule, effectively dampening its charged impact. Glutathione reductase enzymes are primarily responsible for restoring it to its active state.
Since glutathione is a small peptide, it is readily broken down into its constituent amino acids through the digestive system when taken in orally. A large study found that ingestion of a considerable amount of oral glutathione for four weeks did not significantly change the oxidative stress levels (as measured by ratio of reduced to oxidized glutathione levels in erythrocytes) nor erythrocyte glutathione status.[2]
Production of glutathione is thought to be largely regulated by the cysteine availability in the cells, as well as the enzymes involved in its assembly. N-acetylcysteine has been studied extensively in its role as a glutathione precursor. It’s ability to convert to measurable levels of increased glutathione has been found to correspond in large part to particular stressors, which are thought to increase need.
“The data show that NAC leads to a marked increase in circulating cysteine, in part by reacting with cystine and thereby forming mixed disulphides with cysteine and releasing free cysteine as shown in vitro. NAC had no effect on plasma glutathione in the absence of increased stress on the glutathione pools. However, NAC supports glutathione synthesis when the demand for glutathione is increased.”[3]
Glutathione and Metabolic Toxins
A key role in metabolism for glutathione is to counter amounts of the metabolite methylglyoxal. Methylglyoxal is formed multiple ways in cells, but is primarily the result of normal glycolysis.
“Methylglyoxal is a major cell-permeant precursor of advanced glycation end-products (AGEs), which are associated with several pathologies including diabetes, aging and neurodegenerative diseases. In normal situations, cells are protected against methylglyoxal toxicity by different mechanisms and in particular the glyoxalase system, which represents the most important pathway for the detoxification of methylglyoxal.”[4]
The glyoxalase system, another system nearly ubiquitous to life forms, uses reduced glutathione as a cofactor in the processing of methylglyoxal, aiding in limiting amounts of this typically damaging substance.[5]
Precursors and Acetaminophen Overdose
Tylenol 250x 250An example of the role glutathione plays intracellularly in detoxification is in pediatric acetaminophen overdose. Standard antidotes in the case of acetaminophen overdose in children is N-Acetylcysteine, a glutathione precursor. A WHO Review from 2008 stated the following on its use:
“Acetaminophen (paracetamol) toxicity is a common cause of drug-induced
hepatotoxicity in children and adults. N-acetylcysteine (NAC) has been used for several decades and has proven to be the antidote of choice in treating acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity”[6]
Loss of Active Glutathione and Disease States
The Journal of Cellular Biochemistry in 2013 states “the loss of reduced glutathione and formation of glutathione disulfide is considered a classical parameter of oxidative stress that is increased in diseases.” [7] * There is widespread research findings that note how various disease states are associated with decreases in GSH. According to The Journal of Nutrition, vol. 134 #3.*
“GSH displays remarkable metabolic and regulatory versatility. GSH/GSSG is the most important redox couple and plays crucial roles in antioxidant defense, nutrient metabolism, and the regulation of pathways essential for whole body homeostasis. Glutathione deficiency contributes to oxidative stress, and, therefore, may play a key role in aging and the pathogenesis of many diseases.”[8]
Greens Drink 250x 250A diet that is rich in vegetables in whole food form or powdered concentrates, especially garlic, onions and the cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, collards, kale and watercress) is imperative in maintaining adequate antioxidant and folate levels that serve as precursors to glutathione.[9]
Other nutrients from multiple sources play a significant role in glutathione production, including high selenized yeast and alpha-lipoic acid.[10],[11]
As research draws more conclusions as to the role of glutathione and oxidative stress, practitioners are increasingly interested in how this powerful antioxidant may play a role in maintaining patient health and wellness.
The Power of Glutathione
Glutathione is produced naturally in the liver. It is made up of three amino acids, and it is vital for cellular metabolism. It protects against oxidative stress caused by free radicals, is required for the immune system to function properly, and is a potent detoxifier.
The importance of glutathione has been validated by over 92,000 scientific articles, more than twice the amount that has ever been published about vitamin C. In fact, nutrition experts believe that it is just as necessary for our health as oxygen, food and water.
Glutathione is the body’s most powerful and important antioxidants, present in each and every cell in the body. It plays a pivotal role in detoxifying our cells, removing heavy metals, toxins and free radicals. All of which can damage our cells and significantly damage the quality of our cells, including skin cells.
1. Increase the energy
2. Slows down ageing process
3. Reduces muscle and joint discomfort
4. Strengthens immune system
5. Detoxifies the liver and cells
6. Improves mental focus and clarity
7. Improves quality of sleep
8. Reduces the effects of stress
9. Improves the skin
10. Athletic performance and recovery
Antioxidant – GSH is the body’s master Antioxidant, our bodies depend on GSH for the removal of toxins and GSH is at the heart of all immune functions. Other antioxidants in our body depend on GSH to function properly.
Detoxification – GSH detoxifies a large number of pollutants by binding to carcinogens, heavy metals, herbicides, pesticides and radiation by forming a soluble compound with the toxin that can then be excreted through the urine or bile.
Immune system – Healthy growth and activity of immune cells depends on the availability of GSH. The protective activity of GSH is two-fold – it enhances the activity of immune cells and also functions as an antioxidant within them.
Increased Energy – Our energy levels are a result of many factors – everything from the biochemical reactions taking place within our cells, to muscle function and even your sense of well-being. GSH enables the mitochondria of a cell to remain fully charged, enhancing muscle strength and endurance. Clinical trials have shown that lowering GSH in the mitochondria results in cell death.
Repair – Our body is constantly under attack from free radicals, some from external sources and some generated in our own body. Free radicals attack the nearest stable molecule, “stealing” its electron. A molecule that loses an electron then becomes a free radical itself and attacks the next nearest stable molecule, this begins a chain reaction. Once the reaction is started it can cascade through hundreds of molecules. As this occurs over and over again the cell eventually dies or mutates. Sometimes the mutated cell mutates to a point that we know as cancer. GSH performs a vital role in repairing the damaged DNA by replacing the missing electron. Normal to elevated GSH keeps the repair of our cells at a maximum and reduces the number of cell mutations that would occur otherwise.
Lightens Skin – By supplementing with a high quality Glutathione supplement, namely one containing Acetyl Glutathione, you can not only improve your complexion, but improve the quality and health of your skin. Supplementing with a Glutathione pill or injectable can help to improve the health of every cell in the body, particularly apparent in the skin, hair and nails. Giving people a radiant glow which is caused by healthy cells and reduced toxicity in the body.
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