The NewYouMD Shock Wave

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The NewYouMD Shock Wave
- Decreases Inflammation
- Increases Performance Levels
- Increased Metabolism
- Reduction Of Chronic Pain and Fatigue
- Happiness Boost (the procedure releases endorphins into the bloodstream)
- Boosts Collagen
The NewYouMD Shock Wave is a ballistic radial pulse system with an electromagnetic generator as the projectile accelerator.
The acoustic radial wave consists of two different parts – a positive pressure pulse and a comparatively small tensile wave component. The shockwave squeezes the surrounding tissue and breaks the grid structure of the molecules. The tensile wave leads to a collapse of the gas bubbles within the fat structures, which re-expand after the acoustic radial wave and thus ensure a destabilization of the fat structures.

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Therapy Effects
The observed tissue reactions and metabolic effects are basically:
- short-term increase of the blood flow induced by massage and vasodilation
- long-term improvement of the blood flow caused by formation of blood vessels
- lymphatic drainage effect, dehydration and withdrawal of waste products
- mechanical and biochemical lipolysis
- softening of fibrotic structures (septum, scar tissue)
- strengthening of the connective tissue (collagen, triggers neogenesis) leads to improvement of the dermal elasticity and firmness
- cell rejuvenation (process of cell regeneration)
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