The NewYouMD Shock Wave

Wellness Machines

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The NewYouMD Shock Wave

  1. Decreases Inflammation
  2. Increases Performance Levels
  3. Increased Metabolism
  4. Reduction Of Chronic Pain and Fatigue
  5. Happiness Boost (the procedure releases endorphins into the bloodstream)
  6. Boosts Collagen

The NewYouMD Shock Wave is a ballistic radial pulse system with an electromagnetic generator as the projectile accelerator.

The acoustic radial wave consists of two different parts – a positive pressure pulse and a comparatively small tensile wave component.  The shockwave squeezes the surrounding tissue and breaks the grid structure of the molecules.  The tensile wave leads to a collapse of the gas bubbles within the fat structures, which re-expand after the acoustic radial wave and thus ensure a destabilization of the fat structures.

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Therapy Effects

The observed tissue reactions and metabolic effects are basically:

  • short-term increase of the blood flow induced by massage and vasodilation
  • long-term improvement of the blood flow caused by formation of blood vessels
  • lymphatic drainage effect, dehydration and withdrawal of waste products
  • mechanical and biochemical lipolysis
  • softening of fibrotic structures (septum, scar tissue)
  • strengthening of the connective tissue (collagen, triggers neogenesis) leads to improvement of the dermal elasticity and firmness
  • cell rejuvenation (process of cell regeneration)

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10945 State Bridge Road
Suite 401-356
Johns Creek, GA 30022
