CMP (Comprehensive Metabolic Panel) Testing


  • Measures your sugar (glucose) level, electrolyte and fluid balance, kidney function, and liver function.
  • Glucose is a type of sugar your body uses for energy. Electrolytes keep your body’s fluids in balance.
  • They also help keep your body working normally, including your heart rhythm, muscle contraction, and brain function.
  • The kidneys help keep the right balance of water, salts, and minerals in the blood. They also filter out waste and other unneeded substances from the blood.
  • The liver helps with digestion and produces some vitamins and other substances that the body needs. It also controls the amounts of glucose, protein, and fat in the blood and releases substances that keep your immune system healthy.
  • Doctors may use this test to check on a medical condition, such as high blood pressure, or to help diagnose a medical condition, such as diabetes.